Hello and Welcome!

Hi, I’m Julia, and welcome to The Simple Mum Hub—a website and personal blog dedicated to helping you feel less stressed, more organised, and free up time for what’s truly important to you.

Sounds magical—But how?! I hear you ask.

By helping you to Simplify Your Life.

Life as a mum is chaotic, with endless demands that can leave us burnt out and overwhelmed. If you’re feeling exhausted and stretched thin, I hear you. I was once that frazzled person with a never-ending to-do list. I wanted to enjoy motherhood, but instead, I felt miserable and overwhelmed by guilt.

Something had to change.

That’s when I discovered the life-changing power of simplicity.

After a lot of honest self-reflection, I got to work removing everything from my life that didn’t align with my goals and priorities. Bit by bit, I learned how to declutter my home, thoughts, and schedule, and then got to work creating organising systems to stop me from ever getting back to that overwhelmed place.

You can read more about my journey here.

Was it easy? No—it was a gradual process with the occasional backward step.

Did I make mistakes? You bet. I tried new organising strategies all the time and sometimes ended up creating even more work for myself with ‘over-engineered’ solutions.

Was it all worth it? Without a shadow of a doubt.

Through many trials and experiments, I finally discovered practical and easy-to-maintain methods to simplify every area of my life. The best part? It can be done bit by bit, in tiny steps. No overwhelming “declutter your whole life in 60 minutes” unrealistic clickbait promises.

Slow and steady really does win the race.

So here I am, sharing everything I’ve learnt in the hopes that it will help others too. Ready to take the plunge but don’t know where to go from here?

Why not get started by browsing the free organising resources in my Freebie Library?

It’s packed with a smorgasbord of useful printables and tools from weekly planners, mini self-reflection worksheets, to meal planning templates. You’ll also join my email community and receive the occasional email with more tips, tools, and inspiration to keep life simple.

Want access to my free Organising Printables?

Feeling energised and want to simplify right away?

Grab your free copy of my “Simplify Your Life” 5 Day Challenge below! This ebook is packed with easy steps to help you strike while the iron is hot.

FREE Simplify Your Life 5 Day Challenge

Feeling burnt out and struggling with the constant demands of motherhood? Do you feel like precious family time is lost in the constant chaos?

Download my free simplifying 5 day challenge and get practical tips into your inbox to help you create a happier, more fulfilling family life starting right now!

Still have some questions?

Get in touch! There’s nothing I love more than sharing ideas and offering feedback and suggestions.

Email me at thesimplemumhub@gmail.com. I can’t wait to hear from you!

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