Hi, I’m Julia!

My mission is simple: to cut through the chaos and make motherhood more organised, fulfilling, and fun. I’m here to help mums simplify life, reduce the mental load and overwhelm, and enjoy the journey of raising your family.

Being a mum truly is the hardest job in the world. You’re juggling so much and trying to be everything to everyone. Something has to give, and more often than not, it’s you. 

That was me. Constantly burning out and struggling to enjoy motherhood under the weight of all the responsibilities that raising a family and managing a household brings. 

There was always a giant list of stuff that NEEDED to be done looming over my head that filled me with constant stress.

I wanted to live in the moment, enjoying watching my kids grow and having fun on this amazing journey through motherhood. Instead, I was miserable and felt like I was failing everyone – the mum guilt was overwhelming. 

It was time to make a change, so I put my entire life under the microscope and began to purge everything that wasn’t aligning with my goals, only keeping what was truly ESSENTIAL. From my wardrobe to my calendar and my thoughts, no aspect of my life was left unscrutinised. 

Things magically started to change. I was able to simply hang out with my kids without feeling on edge about all the jobs that still needed to be done. I felt lighter. Happier. 

Sure things were still chaotic, that’s all par for the course when it comes to kids, but I felt a new sense of control and BALANCE. I carved out time for myself without feeling guilty because I’d learned that if I’m struggling, my family is suffering too. 

So here I am with a whole load of lessons learnt that I want to share with mums everywhere. The simple strategies and systems that I created keep everything running like clockwork and free up so much time for the really important stuff. 

So come and join me on this journey where we keep things simple, get organised, make time for ourselves and have lots of fun!

My Faves

Couldn’t have made it through the really tough days without these guys…




Billy Joel


Moulin Rouge

